Live-coding FizzBuzz In Elixir Lightning Talk
Last week at a local tech meetup, I presented a quick 6-minute lightning talk on Elixir. In it, I quickly implemented the infamous FizzBuzz programming challenge in Elixir. While doing so, I briefly demonstrated some of the things I like about Elixir such as:
- Pattern matching
- Function overloading
- Guard clauses
- Multiple shortcuts for function definitions
So please take 6-7 minutes and watch it then let me know what you think! Keep in mind it was a lightning talk format and it was for a crowd of people who are at an introductory level of Elixir exposure.
Here’s the final code of my implementation in case you’re interested:
defmodule FizzBuzz do
def go(min, max), do: Enum.each(min..max, &go/1)
def go(num) when (rem(num, 15) == 0), do: IO.puts "fizzbuzz"
def go(num) when (rem(num, 3) == 0), do: IO.puts "fizz"
def go(num) when (rem(num, 5) == 0), do: IO.puts "buzz"
def go(num), do: IO.puts num

Buy my book—Phoenix in Action
I've been working hard on the first book on the Phoenix framework from Manning Publications, Phoenix in Action. If you like what you've been reading and/or you have an interest in learning Phoenix, please purchase the book today! Want to know more, check out my blog post announcing the book or the one announcing its completion.